Creative Showcase
We approached with the challenge of creating a quirky style kit targeted at the "white space" of target audiences - part-time students. We recognized that there are many targeted concepts catered to the working adult and full-time students, but not as many for part-time students. To make the kit engaging and relatable, we used a quirky style that would resonate with part-time students. Our goal was to motivate them to embark on their learning journey and help them feel supported along the way. We worked closely with the client to ensure that every design element was in line with their vision.

Our team of designers used a combination of typography, colour schemes, and imagery to create a kit that is both fun and functional. The kit is designed to be user-friendly, easy to navigate, and visually appealing. We believe that this project is an excellent example of our ability to create designs that are tailored to specific audiences and address unique needs and challenges.
Image showing brand collaterals for student kit.Image showing box design for student kit.mage showing brand collaterals for student kit.
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