King's Cut
We had the pleasure of creating a logo for King's Cut, a newly opened barber shop. The client was seeking a vintage, classic and sleek look for their new concept shop, and we were up for the challenge. To create a logo that captured the essence of their vision, we kept in mind the keywords "vintage" and "classic". The logo had to reflect the timeless appeal of a traditional barber shop while also conveying a sense of modernity and sophistication.

We worked closely with the client to understand their needs and preferences, ensuring that every design element was in line with their vision. Our team of designers used a combination of typography and imagery to create a logo that gels well with the client's concept. We're proud of the final result, which is a reflection of our ability to create designs that blend the old with the new.
Image showing logo design for king's cut.Image showing brand collateral design for king's cut.
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